Hey there! Because I'm a lazy bum there is no directory listing (for now).
You shouldn't point your browser at this URL; it's used by the Aquaria-internal mod downloader.

The source code for the intended Aquaria version can be found below:

The script that generates the mod list can be found at:
http://fg.wzff.de/aqmods/index.php.txt (simply a symlink to this php file)

(View page source to see the generated modlist XML)

If there's anything, feel free to send me an email to: fg ät wzff döt de
. ".png") // pkg defaults to here( . ".aqmod"), saveAs to // sizes are automatically added function here($s) { return "fg.wzff.de/aqmods/" . $s; } function out($s) { echo $s; echo "\n"; } function human_filesize($bytes, $decimals = 2) { $sz = Array("B","kB","MB","GB","TB","PB","EB","ZB","YB"); $factor = floor((strlen($bytes) - 1) / 3); return sprintf("%.{$decimals}f ", $bytes / pow(1024, $factor)) . $sz[$factor]; } function printMod($id, &$m) { $fullname = &$m["fullname"]; $desc = &$m["desc"]; $pkg = &$m["pkg"]; $icon = &$m["icon"]; $author = &$m["author"]; $saveAs = &$m["saveAs"]; $patch = &$m["patch"]; $weblink = &$m["weblink"]; $pkgsize = &$m["pkgsize"]; $iconsize = &$m["iconsize"]; $confirm = &$m["confirm"]; if(is_null($desc)) $desc = "No description."; if(is_null($pkg)) { $pkg = $id . ".aqmod"; $pkgsize = @filesize($pkg); $pkg = here($pkg); } else { if($pkg !== "" && is_null($saveAs)) $saveAs = $id; } if(is_null($icon)) { $icon = $id . ".png"; $iconsize = filesize($icon); $icon = here($icon); } else { if(strpos($icon, "/") === false) { $iconsize = filesize($icon); $icon = here($icon); } } if(!$pkgsize) $pkgsize = 0; if(!$iconsize) $iconsize = 0; if($pkgsize > 0 || !is_null($author)) { $desc .= "\n("; $x = null; if(!is_null($author)) $x[] = "Author: " . $author; if($pkgsize > 0) $x[] = "Size: " . human_filesize($pkgsize, 0); $desc .= implode("; ", $x) . ")"; } out(""); out(' '); out(' '); if(!is_null($author)) out(' '); out(' '); if(is_null($saveAs)) out(' '); else out(' '); if($patch) out(' '); else if($weblink) out(' '); if(!is_null($confirm)) out(' '); out("\n"); } $MODS = Array( "forum" => Array( "fullname" => "Forum", "desc" => "NEW Aquaria forum (2021) [ aquaria.wzff.de/forum ]", "pkg" => "https://aquaria.wzff.de/forum/index.php", "icon" => "url-forums.png", "weblink" => true, ), "lichter_der_tiefe" => Array( "fullname" => "Lights of the Deep", "desc" => "An uncertain reunion", "author" => "JuliaB, Autarc, ducci91, lingfa (English translation + bugfixes by Daxar)", ), "derp" => Array( "fullname" => "Derpmod", "desc" => "A fun demo of cool things you can script.", "author" => "Daxar", ), "aquaria_dressup-1.0" => Array( "fullname" => "Aquaria Dressup Mod", "desc" => "Allows mix-and-match of clothes, utilizing bone texture overlay techniques. Now dress Naija while in forms!", "author" => "thegamemaster1234, extra contributors", ), "aq2_ch1" => Array( "fullname" => "Sequel mod preview", "desc" => "This first chapter explores what happened right after the original ending. Li is worried.", "author" => "False.Genesis, Frances Fawcett, et al.", "confirm" => "Note: Requires updated game!\n(At least OSE 1.002 from Aug 2015)", ), "Labyrinth" => Array( "fullname" => "Labyrinth", "desc" => "For those who like mazes. - Has lots of custom graphics and love to detail. Recommended for everyone, not only maze-lovers.", "author" => "Frances Fawcett", //"pkg" => "http://j.mp/GNqzPC", //"pkg" => "http://fg.wzff.de/pub/aquaria/mods/Labyrinth_v1.zip", //"pkgsize" => 33478012, ), "meatymod" => Array( "fullname" => "Meatymod", "desc" => "Do you like pain? Good! - A crossover between Super Meat Boy and Aquaria. ~60 maps across 6 different zones. Have a nice death.", "author" => "False.Genesis", //"pkg" => "http://j.mp/Lli6b9", "pkg" => "http://fg.wzff.de/pub/aquaria/mods/meatymod.zip", "pkgsize" => 19009105, ), "rpg_PrequelCampaign" => Array( "fullname" => "Aquaria: Sacrifice", "desc" => "An extensive, narrative driven prequel campaign featuring prominent characters such as Prince Drask, Mia, Naija, and The Creator.", "author" => "Danny O'Connell [aka. TheBear], KS-10 (included russian translation)", ), /* "rpg_PrequelCampaign_ru" => Array( "fullname" => "Aquaria: Sacrifice - Russian translation", "desc" => "Нажмите [Продолжение] в главном экране, чтобы загрузить игру.", "author" => "Danny O'Connell [aka. TheBear]", "saveAs" => "rpg_PrequelCampaign", ), */ "AngryLi" => Array( "fullname" => "Angry Li", "desc" => "Li is coming for Naija!! Side-scrolling shooter featuring Li in his submarine.", "author" => "Yogoda", ), "beautyOfAquaria" => Array( "fullname" => "Beauty of Aquaria", "desc" => "A mod where you can enjoy the beauty of Aquaria - one large map, no combat, only peaceful creatures.", "author" => "Yogoda", ), "big_energy_battle" => Array( "fullname" => "Big Energy Battle", "desc" => "Try this battle for size :D", "author" => "Hiro (+ OSE port by Daxar)", ), "fg_scrnsav" => Array( "fullname" => "Screensaver", "desc" => "A not really useful screensaver mod where Naija swims around automatically in various places from the game.", "author" => "False.Genesis", ), "feral" => Array( "fullname" => "Feral Naija", "desc" => "Feral Beast - Chapter One (incomplete). A mod focused on beast form.", "author" => "Rolfe + Sarah Bergstroem", ), "AdventurePrototype" => Array( "fullname" => "Inn of the Dancing Sea Dragon", "desc" => "Assist the druniad Hazel in running the Inn of the Dancing Sea Dragon. Very short and casual.", "author" => "Danny O'Connell [aka. TheBear]", ), "CostumeMod" => Array( "fullname" => "Costume Mod", "desc" => "Place to view every Costume!", "author" => "Alphasoldier (+ OSE port by Daxar)", ), "ninja_form" => Array( "fullname" => "Ninja form test", "desc" => "A single-map test mod for Ninja form (new form)", "author" => "Titch (+ OSE port by Daxar)", ), // ---- patches ---- "darkpack" => Array( "fullname" => "Dark Music Pack", "author" => "Matt Bentley", "desc" => "Dramatic music replacement Pack for Aquaria/Sacrifice/Other Mods", "patch" => true, ), "newtitletest" => Array( "fullname" => "Title music test", "desc" => "Changes the title music to 'March of the Krotites'", "patch" => true, ), "semitranslator" => Array( "fullname" => "Aquarian semi-translator", "desc" => "Re-orders aquarian glyphs to match the roman glyph they most resemble", "author" => "FishFace", "patch" => true, ), "aquariantranslator" => Array( "fullname" => "Aquarian translator", "desc" => "Replace Aquarian glyphys with a bright, easily readable roman font", "patch" => true, ), "germansubs" => Array( "fullname" => "German subtitles", "desc" => "Replace english with german subtitles - englische durch deutsche Untertitel ersetzen", "author" => "Various, see forums", "patch" => true, ), // --- reskins ---- "mianaija" => Array( "fullname" => "Mia costume", "desc" => "A costume for Naija's normal form that allows Naija to steal from her mother's wardrobe and wear her clothes! They look surprisingly good on her.", "author" => "theGameMaster1234", "patch" => true, ), "alwaysnaijafix" => Array( "fullname" => "theGameMaster1234's Always Naija Fix!", "desc" => "Improved version of the skin pack originally made by Trojan Pooh. Always regular Naija.", "author" => "theGameMaster1234, Trojan Pooh, Alphasoldier", "patch" => true, ), "alwaysnaija" => Array( "fullname" => "Trojan Poohґs Always Normal Naija mod!", "desc" => "Always regular Naija - Allow the user to enjoy the beauty of Naija's regular design throughout the whole game", "author" => "Trojan Pooh", "patch" => true, ), "piratenaija" => Array( "fullname" => "Pirate Naija", "desc" => "Pirate skin for Naija's normal form", "author" => "EntiteFred", "patch" => true, ), "humannaija" => Array( "fullname" => "Human Naija", "desc" => "Human skin + Headband for Naija's normal form", "author" => "Xandu2", "patch" => true, ), "nudemod" => Array( "fullname" => "Nude mod", "author" => "Alphasoldier", "desc" => "Features nude Naija and Li sprites", "patch" => true, //"confirm" => "By installing this mod you confirm you are 18 years or older, and are not offended by nudity!", "confirm" => "Hey, 18+ only.\nSure you REALLY want this?", ), /* "aliennaija_old" => Array( "fullname" => "Alien Naija", "desc" => "Changes Naija's default skin into an alien-looking creature", "author" => "Daxar + Echolocating", "patch" => true, ), */ "aliennaija" => Array( "fullname" => "Alien Naija", "desc" => "Changes Naija & Li into alien-looking creatures. Concept by Echolocating. (Not compatible with mods that have their own Naija animation/skin files!)", "author" => "thegamemaster1234, Daxar, Echolocating", "patch" => true, ), ); out(""); // SERVERS HERE //out(''); foreach($MODS as $id => &$m) { printMod($id, $m); } out(""); ?>