[00:45] == fgenesis_ [webchat@] has joined #bitblot [00:45] == fgenesis_ has changed nick to fgenesis_ie [00:55] == JohnBeak has changed nick to no_one [00:58] == no_one has changed nick to Suicude [01:00] == Suicude has changed nick to watashi [01:01] == watashi has changed nick to JohnBeak [01:02] hah, name changing ftw! [01:34] == JohnBeak [~John.Beak@13.121.broadband5.iol.cz] has quit [Quit: wioy] [02:39] == alecholowka [~alecholow@S01060015f240e1cf.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #bitblot [02:39] yo [02:40] party like it's 1969 [02:40] alecholowka: oh [02:41] right [02:41] now you got me right before pressing the shutdown button [02:41] :P [02:41] ready for something quick and dirty? [02:42] oh gods the communication issues... ignore my last mail [02:42] (for now) [02:42] hi btw [02:43] uhm, want to try, or delay it? [02:43] oh hey [02:43] yeah we could try something maybe [02:44] i dunno if the first step should be to try to back up all the SQL databases on the site or something [02:44] yes [02:44] definitely that [02:44] okay [02:44] if a backup works, do that [02:44] i don't know how to do that either lol [02:44] maybe i should see what this admin panel has [02:44] mysqldump -uUSER -p DATABASE > outfile.sql [02:45] hrm [02:45] i can at the very least stop SQL from the web admin [02:45] SSH > web panel, always =) [02:45] well, not necessary [02:45] virtualmin [02:45] + you can't dump the tables when DB is down [02:46] virtualmin + webmin i guess [02:46] hmm webmin might have tools [02:46] "SQL show index from `smf_members` failed : Table './bb_forum/smf_members' is marked as crashed and should be repaired" [02:46] unless you are going to hardcopy the plain table files, but i doubt you have quick access to them, and its also the worst choce if you need a backup [02:46] that's the message when i select the bb_forums table [02:46] ah [02:46] easy one, like i thought [02:46] k there's a backup databases button [02:47] with the command i mailed you you can fix that in a second [02:47] *if* backing up works for crashed tables... [02:47] right [02:47] side note: nice to see you in here, never imagined that would happen :P [02:48] backup worked [02:48] i used to hang out here [02:48] just haven't been on irc for a long while [02:48] oh, good, then see if it has everything [02:48] well, you are busy and all, and IRC eats time if abused [02:48] so it might be the better choice to stay out [02:49] to get actual work done [02:49] =) [02:49] i mean especially smf_members table records [02:50] make sure it has the data, not only the headers (fulltext search ftw!) [02:50] yeah, trying to find out where the file went :] [02:50] i haven't logged onto bit blot ftp in ages [02:50] tss tss :P [02:51] but, you really have ssh, and not only the web panel, i hope? [02:52] oh wait, i vaguely remember SMF had a table repair option in the admin interface [02:52] but i may be wrong, ignore that [02:54] i have ssh access, yea [02:54] * fgenesis_ie never used web panels [02:54] after you got the backup, lets try that [02:54] hmm yeah [02:55] looks like backup failed [02:55] for that one [02:55] lol, damn [02:55] gives the crashed message [02:55] hrm, this is not good [02:55] should you let me in ssh somehow (teamviewer?), i'll be extra careful [02:56] yeah i dunno [02:57] where would i want to be running sql commands from ? [02:57] mysql cmd prompt [02:57] hmm [02:57] and how do i get to that [02:57] that you start via mysql -uUSER -p [02:58] -p will ask you for a password so it cant be seen in shell history [02:58] k logged in [02:58] good [02:58] use bb_forum; [02:59] oh good, access denied for this user [02:59] damn i got really rusty in sql since i started using GUIs [02:59] lol [03:00] seems like a very well secured webspace to me, good job ;P [03:00] or hm [03:00] hmm [03:00] try that again with: mysql -uUSER -p bb_forum [03:00] you do not have a root account, do you? [03:01] access denied for that user [03:01] we do have a root account, but [03:01] not sure if that is for sql or [03:01] O.o [03:01] what [03:01] because no clue whether you have a webhost or a root server, but i guess its first [03:01] lol, ssh root is unlikely unless its your own box, or a box that runs in a VM [03:02] i think it's a virtual server [03:02] ok, that is already something to work with, admin-wise [03:02] then try mysql root login [03:03] it is possible to break in in case you forgot, forgot how to, but its only a few commands which google knows [03:03] or [03:03] the user data must be stored in SMF config [03:04] and if the forum has access to it, you have as well [03:05] ah k [03:05] well there's a backup settings php file [03:06] username is not what i was using [03:06] good, then try that other one [03:06] yeah k logged in [03:06] k use bb_forum; works [03:06] but at some point you will need your root login... better have it at hand for possible future problems [03:06] good [03:07] then: REPAIR TABLE smf_members; [03:07] hmm why just that table [03:07] no clue if REPAIR TABLE (SHOW TABLES); works, thats why [03:07] or can you only do one table at a time or something [03:08] there is a query to use subselects via information_schema, but forgot how to, don't have a SQL db here i could access [03:08] but i think it rather unlikely that all are broken [03:08] http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/myisam-repair.html [03:08] there's this stuff too [03:08] so one by one should be fine [03:08] oh [03:08] sec [03:08] linked to via: https://www.virtualmin.com/node/15340 [03:09] also i think i'm supposed to stop sql first before running repairs, right [03:09] ok, in any case, do NOT use TRUNCATE [03:09] no [03:09] myisamchk is an esternal tool like mysqldump [03:10] and all MyISAM repairs i ever did was while it was running [03:10] and this is 95% of all cases, unless the harddrive is on the edge of failing [03:10] well this guide says to stop it i guess [03:10] "If you are going to repair a table from the command line, you must first stop the mysqld server. Note that when you do mysqladmin shutdown on a remote server, the mysqld server is still available for a while after mysqladmin returns, until all statement-processing has stopped and all index changes have been flushed to disk." [03:11] yes, this is another way [03:11] right, but which way is bettaaar [03:11] myisamchk accesses the raw DB files independently, ofc it must be stopped then [03:11] imho mine, because it has always worked for me =) [03:11] but choose your poison [03:12] never used myisamchk, so i know as much about it as you do [03:12] (was never necessary) [03:12] this crash happened i think because we ran out of disk space [03:14] lool [03:14] not really sure why we ran out of disk space [03:14] sweet, especially then do not stop the DB in case it has any unwritten stuff in RAM [03:14] tried deleting some old logs? [03:15] we removed some files we weren't using anymore [03:15] your webserver may be configured to dump each and every access to a log file [03:15] afaik it is like that by default [03:15] over the years that can get pretty large [03:15] if there is no logrotate or auto-cleanup active [03:16] not sure how to check [03:17] if you have enough space right now, delay that [03:17] get the forum up first :) [03:18] ah, got myself access to a SQL db [03:20] hmm [03:20] i think derek deleted a bunch of big files [03:20] so there's probably enough space for now [03:20] alecholowka: just found this: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/mysqlcheck.html [03:20] it may be the all-in-one thing you've been looking for [03:21] (never used it as well) [03:22] with --auto-repair and --all-databases [03:23] not sure whether you have to shutdown mysql for this or not [03:23] hmm [03:23] at the top it said something about sql has to be running [03:23] i think it can stay online [03:23] yeah [03:23] read/write lock means it can stay on [03:24] which is good [03:24] http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/repair-table.html [03:24] oh and btw, with a table repair you can't lose data unless they were lost before the repair, so this is always safe [03:25] okay [03:25] well maybe we should just try what we were gonna try initially [03:25] if the table is fine it just does nothing [03:25] yeah lol, i thought you already did that [03:25] oh i haven't tried the repair command yet [03:26] too bad it cant clear out spambots as well lol [03:26] it printed out something [03:26] status OK [03:26] 1 row in set [03:26] uhm [03:26] yup, ok [03:27] so that table is alright then? [03:27] should be [03:27] k [03:27] try doing that again what produced the error message earlier [03:27] if there is more to repair [03:27] forum is still white for me [03:28] SQL show index from `smf_topics` failed : Table './bb_forum/smf_topics' is marked as crashed and should be repaired [03:28] k guess i just try running repair on that [03:28] aaand again [03:28] status OK [03:28] 1 row in set [03:28] in the worst case -- SMF has only 41 tables :P [03:29] k seems to load in this panel now [03:29] but the forum is still down [03:29] k, then see if there is such a repair option in the admin panel like i mentionel earlier [03:29] did someone (Derek?) move/rename the index.php file? [03:30] because i remember there were error messags shown in the first few days [03:30] which were gone later, replaced by plain white [03:30] hmm [03:30] checking [03:31] there's an index.php in there [03:31] same for the member list, it has always been plain white but this is cool imho, less chances for spambots and email harvesters [03:32] welll [03:32] not sure what to try now [03:32] mysqlcheck -uUSER -p --auto-repair --check --optimize --all-databases [03:33] the sledgehammer one [03:33] although --optimize is not necessary here imho [03:34] k everything was OK or table up to date [03:34] cool [03:34] forum still does nothing [03:34] hmm [03:34] then maybe error reporting is disabled in webserver/PHP config? [03:34] i dunno [03:34] was the forum index.php reporting errors earlier? [03:34] would be helpful to see the actual error [03:34] yeah [03:35] definitely [03:35] not sure why it would have stopped [03:35] "Unable to select database" [03:35] ahh [03:35] hrm? [03:35] [03:05] well there's a backup settings php file [03:35] backup only? [03:36] maybe that file was renamed to turn off the forum? [03:36] hmmm [03:36] yeah [03:36] i'll try [03:36] Settings.php <-- that should be there [03:37] yaaay [03:37] they're back [03:37] at least [03:37] good job :P [03:38] hurray for forums [03:38] * fgenesis_ie can spam again [03:38] do you have a twitter account i can credit? [03:38] nah [03:38] do not give credit [03:38] : P [03:38] because officially i am totally unreachable until 1st september [03:38] i'll say thanks to "everyone" [03:39] whatever you like [03:39] oh and one thing [03:40] i'll send you a php and a xml file in some time, can you put that on a web location that will stay reachable for a considerable time? infinieammo.ca maybe? [03:40] thought it's the best thing if you do the master/redirection server for the aquaria online mods list i've been working on [03:41] because the initial URL needs to be hardcoded [03:41] to make it work out of the box [03:41] ahh [03:41] yeah that'd be cool [03:41] wonder what to do about mods on ipad... [03:41] maybe just release them as updates to the app [03:41] .php just for future extensions [03:41] either that [03:41] or download and store somewhere [03:41] one-file mods already work [03:42] dunno if you tried out the builds i have been posting (guess not) :P [03:42] so that might work for the ipad as well [03:42] oh i haven't had a chance to really check out any mods in a while [03:43] eeh, still on the mailing list? [03:43] * fgenesis_ie is not chasing anyone for anything [03:43] need anything specific? [03:44] there's a mailing list for mods? [03:44] been hacking away, maybe there's something else that needs to be done? [03:44] no [03:44] oh [03:44] just for code changes [03:44] ahh [03:44] i meant that one [03:44] yeah i'm on that one [03:44] because i was talking about code hacking :P [03:44] gotcha [03:45] andrew + i have been making some changes for the ipad version [03:45] i think those might eventually make it into the main open source tree [03:45] e [03:45] bunch of fixes and little tweaks [03:45] before i forget, thanks a lot for the source, i learned a lot from it... things to do, and things not to do :) [03:45] i hope it will [03:45] and things to make the game a bit easier in the beginning [03:45] hehe [03:45] andrew said it would be a totally new engine [03:45] so no idea to what extent the patches made will be compatible, or if he keeps that stuff up to date [03:46] oh well the underlying stuff [03:46] yeah [03:46] but i think the upper level code still works with the same things [03:46] not sure though [03:46] "a bit easier"?! noobs that can't play, but that probably applies for too many ipad users... good choice then :P [03:46] yeah ipad users are super casual [03:47] we're only really tweaking the first part up until you get out into open waters [03:47] in terms of difficulty [03:47] just a few more hints would do [03:48] but that is up to you [03:48] http://blog.wolfire.com/2009/01/aquaria-design-tour/ [03:49] most things that may confuse "casual players" are mentioned there i think [03:50] and yes the source for this should be opened as well... gotta poke a friend who hacks stuff for android [03:50] might manage to fix up things to run on android, some day [03:51] unless that would cause trouble with apple's crappy app store licensing policy [03:51] but with the content license in place you should be safe [03:54] time to go... almost 3 AM here now >.> [03:55] my best wishes for Marian, btw :) [03:56] will mail when i have something, until then, bye, good night, and sleep well!